I feel well-positioned a little for this commute, having worked first in DC, then in the 'burbs of MN during winter. Traffic and the nothing-you-can-do-about-it reality is something I'm used to. I even don't mind the time to think, and ponder the objectives for, or take-aways from the day. I miss commuting with Wade, although Lokesh makes me laugh nearly every day. "Madam, what means 'bum'?" (a joke on the radio).
Or today's conversation...
L: Tomorrow is Wednesday
A: I think tomorrow is Thursday
L: No, tomorrow is Omence day.
A: huh?
L: You don't understand me. Like Mother's Day.
A: Tomorrow is Mother's Day?
L: No, Ladies Day.
L: Yes, Omence Day. For the ladies....
I'm putting the commute to good use learning culture anyway. Lokesh is also teaching me something like Hindi or Kannada, I'm not sure. At any rate, a long lead in, but so far I don't mind the 30-90 minute commute. There's a lot to look at, and plenty of fun. My treo still doesn't work after three weeks of back and forth, but for now...some scenery.
So much for child safety seats... this is a family of four on a motorcycle...

Not entirely unlike 35W, half of the road is under construction... but we just drive up the embankment to the side of the road that's good. Just like the oncoming traffic....

Coming up to Lokesh's least favorite part ("such a circus ma'am")... this is the back-road shortcut to work. A two lane, really...

Even big trucks can make it over, but it's an adventure... preceded by tons of honking.

It is a little narrow though on the other side... good thing the mirrors are turned in.

Pedestrians are really brave here. Or something.

And, at last, we make it to Target...

So, that's the pictorial version of my commute in. Of course, there's also the cows (almost a whole herd this morning), the pee-ers (I have to say it, I've never seen so much public urination in my life), the dust, the bustle, the fuel trucks, the buses, the vendors (who said India doesn't have retail?), the bumps and the rest of the conversation ("roads in your country are so nice ma'am?"). But as an overview, there you go. I promise I won't complain about 35W when I get back (for at least a week)! :)
Hmmm, sounds like commuting with Lokesh is better than commuting with Wade. At least you aren't telling people how you are fearing for your life, and are even finding some laughs.
Cool photos Wade. I think you should shun the driver and buy a scooter.
Hi Keith.
Scooters are family vehicles here too, so that might be an option. I would have to adjust to the driving on the left side of the road... It already seems that every other car is headed straight at you; I think my trying to drive on the right side of the road would only aggravate the situation.
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