Saturday, June 16, 2007

So, how hot was it??

Yes, it was hot. We knew this before we left and had been duly warned. Which is good, because I deal with things better when they are as I expect them to be. Of course, Delhi and the north of India experienced a deadly heat wave while we were there, with a high point for Delhi (temp-wise) being the day we were there. It was 118 degress, and humid, and polluted, and dusty. The low that night was 97 degrees. We drank a lot of water. And sweated most of it out. An interesting thing is what conservative dress really means - even in this heat, NO ONE was wearing shorts. Not one single person. All men in long pants AND long sleeves and all women covered shoulder to toe. God how I wanted to ask - "what are you thinking? Do you know that when it gets to 20 where I come from, we wear a thing called shorts? It's 40 here! Try showing your knees, you might like it." A rational marketer would look at this and see an untapped market for "appropriate" garments.
Oh well. How do I know that I'm acclimating? I wore jeans out to dinner in Delhi (it was 20 degrees cooler at night after all), and I sit here tonight in Bangalore, wearing long sleeve pajamas since it's only 73 and I thought chilly.
One last funny thought. As I was looking up the "official" temps, I ran across this article...
"New Delhi, June 15 (IANS) After a simmering fortnight when most of north India baked in the heat, the rains finally graced the region Friday, bringing a wave of relief and a renewed energy to harried residents.
The capital woke up to a pleasant Friday morning - without a trace of the scorching summer sun or the unbearable heat - and as the day advanced the skies turned grey before finally giving way to a refreshing spell of rain.
The capital received 51.2 mm of rain. 'The skies are going to remain cloudy tomorrow as well,' said an official of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
The maximum temperature was a pleasant 36 degree Celsius while the minimum was a distinctly cool 28."

For those not versed in Celcius, on, it was a pleasant 102 today, and a distinctly cool 84 tonight in Delhi.

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