Saturday, August 25, 2007

A song in my head

One could probably make the argument that I've always had odd things going through my head, usually in some song format. Sometimes in the form of lyrics I've conncocted myself (think the Momma Jenny song). But lately, the songs in my head have been even more, uh, diverse than usual. Last week I had two songs in my head, concurrently, for most of the week. First was "I'll be home for Christmas" (and sorry mom, but I won't), and the second I couldn't recall the title until Katie helped me out (thanks SISTA) - "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio. Nice combo, huh? Other theme songs have been "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter, "Life by the Drop" by Stevie Ray Vaughn, "Life Less Ordinary" by Carbon Leaf, and "Hallelujah" by KD Lang among others. Friday, the Wizard of Oz classic lyric - "If I only had a brain..." Not sure why I've felt compelled to share this, but anyhow.
On a related note, I need to document for Caden's "scrapbook" that the kid still cries when I sing "On Top of Spaghetti" even in my best fun voice. He gets his alarmed and sad look, and last time I sang it, cried and said "why'd that poor meatball roll off the table?" "I cover my mouth when I sneeze, like this." Fascinating.

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