Our return from Ooty had only about 12 hours recovery time before our next adventure: Chennai and Mamallapuram before heading off to the islands. This time I chased Caden while a guide took the elder Millers around the ruins. The history of the area is tremendous, but with so much time spanning it, there does seem to be some gaps in the story. One can spend their whole life on the history of this continent as long and diverse as it is, and still only really scratch the surface. Part of the challenge also seems to be the intertwining of religion, culture and history so that because the history was passed down orally through the Brahmans (religious leaders), and because some of the context changed (not to mention the shear unfamiliarity with us coming from the West), the explanations tend to leave one's head spinning trying to tie everything together to make sense of this historical collage.
We also had to stop to do some bartering with the local vendors and enjoyed some competitiveness in collecting small elephants. It's a good thing so many people had elephants on their Christmas lists….
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