It was a dark and stormy night. The traffic was crazy and we got into another fender bender with a bus. The storm drains (if existing??) were over-flowing and rickshaws were floating.

But there was a party to be had, and we hearty gang of expats headed off into the night, dressed in green with roadies on board.

But alas, this was no Oktoberfest Bangalore...this OWC St. Patrick's Day party...was that an ice sculpture I saw?

Well, Wade donned a party hat to keep the air lively while he did his check-in duties. and Petra and I couldn't help but notice the jewelry exhibition next door...

And besides, it might not be Oktoberfest quality party, but there was beef, and mashed potatoes too. Shephard's pie, and salt and pepper on the table, and a kiss from my sweetie...

Oh yeah, and there was Guinness.

Stay tuned for round 2 St. Patty's when the Murphy's have their party next weekend...
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