After a couple hours in Bangalore, hanging out with the last crop of Bangalore mosquitoes in the main lounge (since the AC in the first-class "lounge" was broken and there was nowhere to sit)...we were on our way to Delhi.

On reaching Delhi, we had a good final "India" moment trying to navigate the bureaucracy of switching terminals and understanding when was the shuttle coming - "just coming" really...and figuring out what to possibly eat (I know, I know, before boarding to settle into our comfortable business-class seats where I know we weren't going to starve or anything, but still, that's quintessential - maddening bureaucracy, crazy juxtaposition of wealth, delays and a healthy dollop of perspective...or lack of at times!).
For his part, at 11pm local time (WAY past his bedtime except that it's 9:30am MN time), Caden got on the plane and fell asleep well before boarding finished. He proceeded to sleep most of the way to Chicago (man is that a long ride), then wake up to charm the flight attendant into multiple rounds of pancakes.

Wade and I were watching the in-flight monitor a bit and when I first noticed we were "out of India" -- we were flying over Afghanistan! (Now again about that perspective).
And when we landed in Chicago, wow was it a great sight! Walking through the terminal, with pastries and bagels, and sausage and Starbucks; my stomach switched instantaneously to local time and I could barely decide where to start eating. We ended up with classic breakfast (and a big bill - are you sure that's not in rupees?) but made it to Minneapolis a short puddle-jump flight later.

Wow. What a journey.
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