Saturday, July 26, 2008

Blog out!

And so with that, 166's time to "Blog Out".

We are getting settled back into routine - We are back in the USA and in full swing of MN summer - trips to the cabin and Grandma's, visits to the zoo, BBQ with friends and plenty of Target runs.

Within the last 3 months, we will have gotten a "new" country, new temporary house, new temporary school for Caden, new job for me, new job for Wade, two new cars, a permanent new house, permanent new school for Caden and an unconscionable amount of new stuff...not to forget a new baby boy on the way! A lot of change, even for crazies like us! Next year, I might not even change my underwear (that's a joke, for those of you who read this too seriously). But in any case, the past 18 months have been exciting and fun, interesting and above all an adventure. All is well, and we feel truly happy and blessed.

So, that's a wrap for that chapter - alavidha, namaste and shubha raatri.
Goodbye and good night.

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