Friday, February 16, 2007

Some thoughts from the plane ride(s)

I had a lot of time to reflect on the plane… so bear with me, I want to get through some not enough emphasized thank-you’s. Then I’ll give an update right after (we did make it here).

  • First big thank-you to my parents – I could go on and on. Starting with the unfailing love, guidance and support (from childhood), and winding up with the likely unending pile of junk mail and administrative hassle that will come from looking after our “stuff”. And yes, mom, for letting us take your only grandchild out of the country. :)
  • To my sister – for telling me she’s proud of me as she bawled her way to the car. Katie, you are the example of family support that shows there’s no place like home. And I’m proud of you too!
  • To my husband and son – for coming with me on this crazy adventure and reminding me of why I’m here.
  • To all my family, for being the example that contradicts the prevailing impression of American families. I love you guys and will cherish my memories from the send-offs (four of them), my bracelet and my book on Minnesota and will think of you every Sunday dinner.
  • To all my friends, at work and not – you guys are awesome and yet another reason my heart will call Minnesota home.
  • To my boss (work people, if any, can stop reading now) – but I wouldn’t be here without his support, and he’s been a great boss. And on a job like this, it’s true that your immediate boss is a defining factor of your company.
  • To my now boss – how can you complain about a new boss that doesn’t know you, but takes the time to personally find you a house and makes sure you’re settled. I obviously haven’t worked here yet, but I can’t fault the personal attention!
  • To my new team, for being excited to see me. It’s been great knowing I’m joining such a great team and I’m really looking forward to the next year (although I hope you’re not reading this, as you’ll learn more about my quirks soon enough).
  • To the other expat here with family – you have been a tremendous resource in this and have made us all more comfortable with it in a way I can’t even express. It was great hearing from someone on the ground, and you went out of your way to help make us comfortable (more on this in the next edition).
  • To everyone else at Target too that had a role in getting me here, getting me set up and just generally, taking care of me. I know there are a lot of you.
  • And to Capital Grill, for buying my “last lunch” with Grandpa on Tuesday. Katie tells me I’ve come in for 42 reservations…not counting all the times someone else made a reservation, they let me walk in, call my sister on the way. I knew I liked that place. I will not come home a vegetarian because of you guys.
  • Finally to all the flight crew that got us here safely… especially the attendant that brought Caden some hot dogs on flight 3, at hour 17. You rock.

Ok, I know, that was long and not eloquent, and probably not altogether in the right order, and my profuse apologies for the very important people I’m sure I omitted or forgot, friends, mentors and others. I just had some pent-up gratitude from my contemplations on the flight and wanted to get some out there. I am so lucky to be here, and so thankful for all the people behind that. It was no small endeavor, and I am humbled by the task ahead – to make it worth it. :)

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