Thursday, February 22, 2007

Updates from the work week

I cannot believe it’s Friday tomorrow. Where did the week go? If this is any sign, I’ll be home by Tuesday… or so it will feel. I make a mental note to remember to enjoy it… and keep this updated! :)

I went to work in fine time on Monday, riding in with Tracy to arrive by 10am. Off to orientation… Target orientation that is. I wanted to experience what our new team members will be experiencing (there will be a lot of them with our growth plan!), and wanted to learn a little more about what questions, etc. they would raise. It was a good decision… fascinating how something I TOTALLY take for granted (aka Target) would be foreign to them. I’m not talking about the finer points of our org structure or details of supply chain systems. For example, I mean the idea of modern retail – so many things under one roof, and people at times would actually go in and “sign-up” for the gifts they wanted (aka register), and guests at weddings would come and buy the things the happy couple had so graciously self-selected. (At this point, I made the chatter and sense of amazement in the room worse by pointing out that we also carry out this ritual in advance of babies.) Actually, I think I have to give them this one – it is a little weird. But orientation was interesting and it was a good first day.
Other observations on the office…

  • It is Target, and looks like it. Same look and Target dog in the lobby. See picture.
  • The lights really do go out frequently (several times each day, albeit briefly). The computers stay on though and minimal lighting and no one even slows down or pauses conversation.
  • There is no Caribou and no Starbucks. There is a coffee machine in the service area, but it dispenses glasses of coffee in two-ounce shots and you aren’t allowed to remove it from a designated area just outside.
    We’ve eaten lunch in the cafeteria most days. The food is free and not bad – limited selection of vegetarian options and not too spicy. There is no diet coke. In fact, there’s no beverages at all. Not even a water fountain. Apparently, it’s not usual to drink with lunch. Anything.
  • The lack of coffee, lunch options and soda will save a good deal of money – but the adage coming to mind… you get what you pay for.
  • Office supplies really are at a premium, and I suppose that keeps waste down! Very little is printed which is good. The paper is slightly differently sized than back home (longer).
  • Everyone is really, really nice. It’s definitely a new experience to stick out so much around the office, and crazy how much everyone is accommodating. I’m sure we’ll get more comfortable with each other soon, but right now it is a little awkward.
  • I think I’ll work a lot. There is so much to do, and so fun to be a part of a “start-up” but it definitely leaves plenty to be done. I’ll have to push myself to keep sane and have a reasonable balance (even if it does go fast). I’m thinking of getting back to yoga once our stuff arrives.

So overall, it’s going well. I’m really excited about this job and what we can accomplish over the next year. I think it will be a great move for us personally, and also for me professionally. I am already really learning a lot, about the job and about myself. So wish me luck and we’ll see you soon!!

(More on the non-work updates soon!)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hey guys, it's great to hear you're doing so well. The house looks nice! Ang- maybe you could pay for a personal yoga instructor! :)