Those are memories that Caden and I will share:
Friday was a field trip day planned by Caden's summer school. Already having a van-load, we met the rest of the children and teachers at the park. Unfortunately, the park was closed; the playgrounds/parks here will often have hours where they are closed, usually during the bulk of the day so they are open only at 4pm to 8pm. Of course as we are in India, we didn't let the fact that the park was closed stop us and we found a way through the gate and had all the children running about, swinging, climbing and sliding before you could say Rumpelstiltskin.
The playgrounds here are the ones I remember from when I was Caden's age. The equipment is all metal (remember sliding down the hot metal slides in summer?). The squeaking of the metal on metal also brings back memories. 
And, of course, what field trip wouldn't be complete without a picnic?
Caden and his friend, Kay, enjoyed a spot they'd picked out for a snack:
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