Just relaxing at home. Having guests helped me remember that my house is largely undecorated, but having family around made it a lot more home-y!

After the trip to Mysore though, I had to get back to work. Mom and Katie swore to stay inside the gates. Dad just swore about the instable power supply interfering with his VPN connection to the office.

Back to Wade's bday, we got to go to our good friends/neighbors for dinner. I wore my new favorite shirt, a gift from my cousin Kelsey. Thanks Kels - I LOVE it!!

And of course we had to introduce the family to the hookah...

Some pictures from Katie's camera when they ventured out again. I didn't realize how much I didn't even notice the sights/sounds/smells anymore. But looking at everything that Katie took pictures of, I remember back to those wide-eyed first days wondering what in the world was this place all about. Total sensory overload.

And soon enough, Katie sought out the Leela Palace.

And the Habana club for a lunchtime cocktail... they're on vacation after all!

And Wade guided them to Commercial Street for a little shopping.

And the ride home...again a trip.

And they decided to stay inside the gate the next day!
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