Monday, June 4, 2007

Caden started school!

Yikes, amidst all the fun, my little boy started pre-Kindergarten today! When we arrived in Feb, we weren't able to start Caden in school as they were full, and unable to accomodate this when the school year runs June to March. We put in him in "summer" program for April and May, a short event that both he and Wade enjoyed immensely. But, now it's time for the BIG time...pre-K!

Wade and I both went for orientation last week, a little unprepared. We pretty much just wanted to check out the place again, meet the teachers, fill out some forms and such... We got to see the place, meet the teachers... and complete the interview (Caden passed his in order to be admitted). An excerpt:

  • Ms. Gita: What languages does Caden speak?
  • Angela: uh, English (sort of... oh and he thinks he can talk to airplanes, does that count?).
  • More questions with wrong answers...
  • Ms. Gita: What are you hoping he'll get out of the program?
  • Angela and Wade: uh, you know, pre-Kindergarten stuff - a positive social experience, learn the alphabet, and, uh, stuff.
  • Ms. Gita: well, we teach the blah-blah-blah phonics systems so they learn reading at their own pace, and of course simple math concepts blah blah and dramatic play and independent blah blah blah...
  • Angela and Wade: Right, did we say "alphabet"? We meant Al...gebra, and maybe some light calculus. And some languages too, for goodness sake.

Anyhow, in seriousness, Ms. Gita is wonderful; and Wade and I are hopeful Caden will learn a lot, and so will we. It's just amazing how fast it goes from learning to sit up to learning to read. Yikes. What's next, driving this car? We stayed on to make sure he settled in this morning, but he never once looked back.
He said he made a new friend today - "a boy in a blue shirt". He might need to make a new friend tomorrow unless there's a limited wardrobe issue....
Overall, Caden did great. And I made it too...
Oh man is my baby boy getting big....

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