Our trek took us through Yellowstone, where we decided to spend a couple days to see the sites. Although I think Caden had the best experience in terms of getting around, it was, all in all, a very fun and relaxing experience. The first stop was at Mammoth Hot Springs....

Of course Caden felt that he had a role to play in taking the pictures, and I have to admit that he did a pretty good job, except that he was a little vertically challenged. This is Gary and me at the mud volcano geyser.

The highlight for Caden's trip had to be the remaining snow throughout the park. He was determined to have a good go at enjoying winter, even though he was supposed to have missed it entirely. Every snow pile we came across was a challenge to be conquered and so a small portion of each day ended up dedicated to snow mountaineering.

Even the small snow piles had to be tested.

Caden wanted to demonstrate his eye for art and photography. He titled this picture, "Bush" which was taken at Mammoth Hot Springs.

Our stay was at the Yellowstone Hotel, which was built in 1891 by the railroad. There was no internet (and no cell phone coverage), no TV and no elevator (we were on the second floor). The restaurant was pretty good (it is the only one around), but apparently the chef has a preference for leaving a little "moo" still in the steak.

The weather was great and nobody fell into any geysers!

But let's hear it from Caden.....
And what trip to Yellowstone wouldn't be complete without a trip to Old Faithfull!
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